Wonder of wonders miracle of miracles i was afraid that god would frown but like he did so long ago at jericho god just made a wall fall down.
Wonder of wonders miracle of miracles fiddler on the roof.
Wonder of wonders lyrics performed by fiddler on the roof.
But of all god s miracles large and small the most miraculous one of all.
When david slew goliath yes that was a miracle.
When moses softened pharaohs heart that was a.
Fiddler on the roof wonder of wonders lyrics.
Wonder of wonders miracle of miracles god took up daniel once again stood by his and side and miracle of miracles walked him through the lions den.
Wonder of wonders miracle of miracles god took a tailor by the hand turned him around and miracle of miracles led him to the promised land.
Wonder of wonders miracle of miracles god took up daniel once again stood by his and side and miracle of miracles walked him through the lions den.